Before you go there, however, click through so that you can view the lecture video you want to download, then grab the YouTube shortened URL from the address bar.

In my case, it looked like this:

A quick copy and paste to and…

That recommendation? I’d strongly encourage you not to install the helper extension. It’s so easy to use the Web site, why would you want to install this unknown software on your computer?

Otherwise, on the right you can see the default format that’s recommended: MP4 360p. That’s not great resolution (720p or even 1080p would be far, far better) but that’s certainly good enough to enjoy a lecture or other video content offline.

How To Download Purchased Youtube Videos

Click on it and you’ll find that it’s a download link. Here’s what Google Chrome showed me on my MacBook:

In this case, a 90min movie at 360p translates into a 265MB file. Different length video content and footage at different resolutions will have significantly different file sizes. Still, it’s easy enough.

When you’re done, you’ll find the video file in your Downloads folder, ready to double-click and watch.

And let me finish by again reiterating that if you don’t have clear rights and permission to download a video, please be smart about whether you use this tool. And definitely don’t try to make money off a download!

Let’s Stay In Touch!

How To Download Purchased Youtube Video To Pc

I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!